SEO, AdWords, affiliates, advertising, and promotions
Hi everyone!
I got a message from Google Ads;
"Use enhanced conversions to preserve your conversion measurement"
My Shopify set up uses the 'Google and You Tube' app in the sales channel section.
This links to my Google analytics GA4 property.
GA4 is receiving data fine.
I have the GA4 'purchase event' set as a conversion event and conversions are being correctly recorded.
I import this conversion event into google ads as the conversion action for my ads.
This is all working fine.
How do I set up enhanced conversions using this set up?
All I can find online or on here are instructions on how to set up enhanced conversions using Google Tag (and inserting code) or using Google Tag Manager.
Surely my GA4 can do this? It is set up to 'allow user-provided data capabilities' and 'automatically detect user provided data' and Google Ads has 'Enhanced conversions' switched on in the conversion settings.
Can anyone help?
It seems that the conversion settings imported from GA4 cannot be set to enhanced conversion. You need to create a new conversion action using GTM or insert the code manually.
Thanks. I was starting to feel that might be the case.
Enhancing conversions is important for most websites, and the conversion events in GA4 may already contain user data, which is my guess (because of Google signals).
yes I thought so too. However there doesn't seem to be a way to pass the enhanced data over to Google Ads.
The only way to do that is to create a new conversion action. Lovesdata has detailed tutorials.
I already have a conversion action in Google Analytics for purchases. Its working fine and passing the conversions to Google Ads. Google Ads uses this for conversion tracking. Its just not passing enhanced conversion data.
Lovesdata recommends linking Shopify with GA4 using the 'Google and You Tube' App.
Which is the set up I have.
I don't think he would recommend that if it wasn't an optimal solution.
The more I research the more I think that there MUST be a way for GA4 to pass the data for enhanced conversions.
I haven't found it yet though.
The way recommended by Google is to use Google Tag Manager.
But from what I have found out you shouldn't install both.
I am wary of uninstalling the 'Google and YouTube' app GA4 connection as it is working perfectly.
Hang on... I just found this in Google Ads : Conversions : Settings : Enhanced Conversions : View Instructions
Hey I am also using the google app on shopify but my enhanced conversions are turned on.
It looks like the google app automatically created tags for google ads
same question here.
Hang on... I just found this in Google Ads : Conversions : Settings : Enhanced Conversions : View Instructions
So that's not great is it.
Does this mean that if I want to use advanced conversion with Google Ads
(and we all do because 3rd party cookies will be deprecated on browsers like Chrome soon)
Then I need to uninstall the 'Google and YouTube' app and unlink GA4
and then implement Google Tag Manager instead?
My suggestion is to additionally set up GTM’s purchase conversion operations and retain the conversion operations imported from GA4. Although conversion actions are recorded twice, if your conversion data exceeds 50 per month, it will not affect the optimization of your ads. If you use shopify plus, you can delete the conversion operations imported by GA4.
Thanks but I've read that having BOTH Google Tag Manager AND the 'Google and YouTube app' GA4 tag installed should not be done.
Something about both using the same data layer and there being potential conflicts. But I'm not an expert.
I also dont want to get into double reporting of conversions!
I'm surprised that there are not more Shopify merchants worrying about this!
If you use Google Ads like Shopping campaigns results will suffer unless enhanced conversions are set up.
Did you manage to find a solution for this? we have the same issue.
Google analytics GA4 cannot pass enhanced conversion data to Google Ads.
In the end I uninstalled the 'Google and YouTube' App.
I switched to a paid app; Simprosys Google Shopping Feed.
That app not only supplies merchant centre with my shopping feed. It also installs GA4 AND Google Tag Ads conversion tracking with Enhanced conversions. It was an easy set up and today Google Ads told me that it was successfully tracking enhanced conversions.
Sadly... after a few weeks... Google Ads has reported that the enhanced conversions using Simprosys are not working.
I have contacted support and as yet they have not fixed it.
not yet no
Here are the steps to solve this issue.
At first you need to enable the datalayer. A datalayer with user info. Like when a user purchase any product, he/she leaves their email, phone no, name, and address. At that timw, the datalayer pushes a purchase event with these user info. You have to send uthe ser info from there. You need Google tag manager to send the enhanced conversion.
The last screenshot you provided says, your conversions are also missing order ID from your website. There must be some issue with the conversion tracking implementation also. It's not sending product ids/order id.
thanks... yes. That's right. The Simprosys app says it IS sending enhanced data.. and is supposed to do this out of the box according to their help pages and video.. I am waiting for them to look into the issue.
hey there, any resolution on this? seems like something that should be discussed more. I'm considering setting up an additional tag in GTM but worried about redundancy.
Hello Vze3rvnj,
IF you setup datalayer and create conversion tag using GTM for both browser and server side it would be the best to get accurate result.could you please share your website URL?
did you ever get this working?
100% agree. This is outrageous. How is there not someone at Shopify all over this?
Did simprosys resolve those issues for you? Sounds like the most turnkey solution.
Just commenting to follow this convo
Having the same issue. Everything stopped pushing conversions after we linked GA4 we then uninstalled the app and removed everything reinstalled not linking now conversions are being pushed again. However in Pixel settings its showing as disconnected.. Loads of bugs. I am looking to enable enhanced conversions but waiting on a proper response.
The perfect solution.
Don't waste time on this. Shopify has already used new customer events. Contact Google Ads customer service and make an appointment with a technician to add Google pixel. They will help you set up conversion tracking, dynamic remarketing, and increase conversions. Google technology has always provided better code services. You can still use GTM to add it to the theme code to set other events. For Google Ads, pixel is currently the best solution.
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