SEO, AdWords, affiliates, advertising, and promotions
hello all
I applied for the Shopify affiliate program 12 days ago, however, my application is still under reviewing. Is there someone who experienced the same? If anyone has information about this issue it would be very kind to tell me
Hey @ahmedelgazzar!
Thanks for connecting with us here, and I am happy to hear that you have signed up for the affiliate program here at Shopify.
Shopify reviews each application for the affiliate program very carefully, once approved you will receive an email of acceptance and next steps. In the case that you're denied, you will also receive an email stating the same. In most cases, applications to the Shopify Affiliate Program are processed within 5 business days, however this is not a set time frame and due to the volume of applications received it can sometimes take longer. You can learn more about the affiliate program in our help center here and explore some common questions about it.
In the meantime, please hang tight for an email and the team will get back to you as soon as they can!
Maz | Social Care @ Shopify
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