Stock in Motion Application- a real solution for Stockout items!!!

Stock in Motion Application- a real solution for Stockout items!!!

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S+V Technologies has created a new category of inventory, “Stock in Motion”, allowing merchants to display and sell incoming inventory prior to arrival at fulfillment centers. Utilizing live tracking data, a merchant associates incoming stock to the shipment, allowing predictable and accurate delivery dates to the consumer. 


Due to the high response level, we are building a waitlist for early access. Let us know if you would be interested:


Checkout our recent Freightwaves article: Former FedEx execs bringing visibility to ‘stock in motion’ - FreightWaves


Stock in Motion Teaser video:


Aly Hancock
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S+V Technologies has created a new category of inventory, “Stock in Motion”, allowing merchants to display and sell incoming inventory prior to arrival at fulfillment centers. Utilizing live tracking data, a merchant associates incoming stock to the shipment, allowing predictable and accurate delivery dates to the consumer. 


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Aly Hancock