Testing thumbnail images & how to create a report for product CTR

Testing thumbnail images & how to create a report for product CTR

9 0 5

I would like to test which style of thumbnail image works better for conversions (Between studio images, or a mix of studio/lifestyle imagery). 


But I would also like to create a report, so like out of all collections what is the click through rate for each product and conversion rate.  So I can know which products needs the first image changed to perform better. 


If anyone had any handy tips for this? 

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
5 0 3

I can weigh in on this. Not sure what niche you're in, but:


For product photos, we tested product-only vs product with a human model listings across 110 listings. Models were generated using picjam.ai

T-shirt category: +26.7% difference on average with a human model, vs without a model
Jeans/pants category: 
+16.4% difference on average with human model, vs without a model

I do remember seeing studies on how we will look to human faces first when scrolling social media or browsing online, which is something instinctive.


Suspect this might have something to with it? Besides explaining the positive results in t-shirts, this might also explain the difference between between t-shirts and pants (confirming that the results with pants did not have faces, and had arms and shoes only).


Screen Shot 2024-05-01 at 4.38.44 pm.pngScreen Shot 2024-05-01 at 4.38.03 pm.png


1 0 0

Did you find an answer to this? I am searching for exactly this