SEO, AdWords, affiliates, advertising, and promotions
I added the newsletter section but nothing is displaying. I tried to add debug inside the newsletter liquid file and here's the result. Do you have an idea why my blocks are empty ?
{{ 'component-newsletter.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'newsletter-section.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
<div>section: {{ section }}</div>
<div>blocks: {{ section.blocks }}</div>
<div class="newsletter center{% if section.settings.full_width == false %} newsletter--narrow page-width{% endif%}">
<div class="newsletter__wrapper color-{{ section.settings.color_scheme }} gradient">
<div>section: {{ section }}</div>
<div>blocks: {{ section.blocks }}</div>
{%- for block in section.blocks -%}
{%- case block.type -%}
{%- when '@app' -%}
{% render block %}
{%- when 'heading' -%}
<h2 class="h1" {{ block.shopify_attributes }}>{{ block.settings.heading | escape }}</h2>
{%- when 'paragraph' -%}
<div class="newsletter__subheading rte" {{ block.shopify_attributes }}>{{ block.settings.text }}</div>
{%- when 'email_form' -%}
<div {{ block.shopify_attributes }}>
{% form 'customer', class: 'newsletter-form' %}
<input type="hidden" name="contact[tags]" value="newsletter">
{% endform %}
{%- endcase -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% schema %}
"name": "",
"tag": "section",
"class": "spaced-section spaced-section--full-width",
"settings": [
"type": "select",
"id": "color_scheme",
"options": [
"value": "accent-1",
"label": "t:sections.newsletter.settings.color_scheme.options__1.label"
"value": "accent-2",
"label": "t:sections.newsletter.settings.color_scheme.options__2.label"
"value": "background-1",
"label": "t:sections.newsletter.settings.color_scheme.options__3.label"
"value": "background-2",
"label": "t:sections.newsletter.settings.color_scheme.options__4.label"
"value": "inverse",
"label": "t:sections.newsletter.settings.color_scheme.options__5.label"
"default": "background-1",
"label": "t:sections.newsletter.settings.color_scheme.label"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "full_width",
"default": true,
"label": "t:sections.newsletter.settings.full_width.label"
"type": "paragraph",
"content": "t:sections.newsletter.settings.paragraph.content"
"blocks": [
"type": "heading",
"name": "",
"limit": 1,
"settings": [
"type": "text",
"id": "heading",
"default": "Subscribe to our emails",
"label": "t:sections.newsletter.blocks.heading.settings.heading.label"
"type": "paragraph",
"name": "",
"limit": 1,
"settings": [
"type": "richtext",
"id": "text",
"default": "<p>Be the first to know about new collections and exclusive offers.</p>",
"label": "t:sections.newsletter.blocks.paragraph.settings.paragraph.label"
"type": "email_form",
"name": "",
"limit": 1
"type": "@app"
{% endschema %}
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