Why is my order number incorrect and where are my missing orders?

Why is my order number incorrect and where are my missing orders?

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I don't understand why the order number is not correct. I see my order is 10 but the orders I received and have not fulfilled are only 4. Where are 6 orders? Am I missing orders? Where can I find those missing orders? Thank you.

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
2045 226 389

Hi there, @fieldmoonsoap. Thanks for reaching out to the Shopify Community with your question. It's great to meet you!


Thanks for letting is know about these order numbers. Since we're chatting here in the Shopify Community, there's no way for me to dive in and look into these missing numbers exactly, but I'm happy to share with you some reasons as to why the numbers may jump from '4' to '10'.


  • There is a chance that these orders may have been deleted - do you recall deleting any orders from your store?
  • These missing numbers could have been allocated to some abandoned checkouts. If that is the case, they won't appear as a number when new orders are made.
  • If you have any applications that have permissions to edit or create orders, these apps could've made orders that had claimed these numbers, or edited orders that claimed these numbers. Do you have any applications installed that have permissions to edit/access your orders? 

Most of the time things like this happen, it's because of an application that has order editing permissions. I recommend checking out your apps to see if there's anything in there that may have these permissions, and access the app to see if the orders are hiding in there.


If you'd like a hand diving a bit deeper into these missing numbers, you can consider reaching out to our Live Support Team. You can use this link here to get in touch.


Is this a new store that you're operating? I'd love to take a look at what you've built so far! If you like, feel free to drop a link to your store in a reply, and tell me a bit about the business! I'd be happy to provide you with some actionable feedback to help your store grow even faster.

Imogen | Social Care @ Shopify 
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