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Re: Add Checkout UI Extension block to specific target in thank-you page

Add Checkout UI Extension block to specific target in thank-you page

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I would like to add my Checkout UI Extension block at target purchase.thank-you.block.render [ORDER_STATUS2], the second purple location you can see in the image below:


But I can't find how to specify that block, because in configuration (.toml) file I can only indicate the generic name of the block:


target = "purchase.thank-you.block.render"
module = "./src/Checkout.tsx"
export = "thankYouBlock"


...and this configuration puts my code in the location of purchase.thank-you.block.render [ORDER_STATUS1].

What I have to do to put it directly in the second block?


Thank you

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Have you upgraded the thank you page with checkout extensibility? If you haven't upgraded it, you won't be able to do this.

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Yes, already upgraded.



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You need to add the checkout UI block from the checkout settings. If have any questions let me know so I can clarify, and if not, and you'd like to work together please feel free to message me directly.

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Is this mandatory for every checkout UI Extension? Or is there also a default setting?


Shopify Partner
216 21 38

Those using Block Extension need to make this setting, while others can be placed to the target. If have any questions let me know so I can clarify, and if not, and you'd like to work together please feel free to message me directly.


Good luck


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I have the same problem , I want to add at ORDER_SUMMARY4 but I couldn't. If you got any solution then please let me know as soon as possible