Checkout Extension Metafield array is empty

Checkout Extension Metafield array is empty

Shopify Partner
98 14 27

This is  a JavaScript (not React) extension:


export default extension(
	async (root, {lines, applyCartLinesChange, query, i18n, shippingAddress, shop, buyerJourney, buyerIdentity, storage, settings, ui, metafields}) => {
    console.log(metafields.current); // the array is empty



my .toml file includes the following:


namespace = "kickee"
key = "notforwholesale"
namespace = "kickee"
key = "nfs"


I only have one target in my .toml so that's not the issue.


I have a product with both those metafields and the metafields are defined:



What am I doing wrong?


thank you,







Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
98 14 27

This also does not work:


metafields.subscribe((newMetafields) => {
  currentMetafields = newMetafields;
  console.log(`metafields: `, currentMetafields, newMetafields); // blank arrays