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Checkout UI Extension not showing up as App Block for reviewer

Checkout UI Extension not showing up as App Block for reviewer

Shopify Partner
5 0 0

Our new Checkout UI extension, is working fine for us, when we switch on the "Development store preview" (in Shopify Partners > [Specific App] > Extensions.


However we get the feedback from our App review that the App Block in the Checkout Editor isn't showing up for them. We can also see this in the screencast they have send us.


Now we don't have any clue why this isn't working. Especially as this is a part we don't have any direct influence, as it is served totally by Shopify based on configs.


Under which circumstances can this happen? Any clues?

Replies 5 (5)

Community Manager
3108 344 905

Hi - just to confirm, does the app extension only appear when the "development store preview" option is enabled on your partner dashboard? It's possible the review team are testing with a "merchant" store rather than a dev store. 

Liam | Developer Advocate @ Shopify 
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Shopify Partner
5 0 0

Yes, it can only show up in a dev store if "development store preview" is enable, as the app/extension was not yet published.


And yes, they mentioned that they are using a real store (I guess that is a merchant store) and they never said something about a dev store. So I can imagine that this is the reason.


If this is the reason, how do we handle it? Do we have another option or something we can do?

Community Manager
3108 344 905

Are you using features which are only currently available in developer preview?

Liam | Developer Advocate @ Shopify 
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Shopify Partner
5 0 0

Thank you @Liam!

Actually I am not sure but it is a good hint! How can we check this? I there a feature release map?


So far we need to choose the "Checkout and Customer Accounts Extensibility preview" from the "Developer Preview" build version.

We also documented this in our submissions docs to the reviewer. We can also see in their screencasts that they have the new checkout editor (where you can create versions and the app blocks section is visible) and there were no complains about it.


However, when we create a new dev store and use the "Current release" version, we get the old checkout editor (without versions and no app block section is visible).

Confusingly there is also no "Upgrade to Checkout Extensibility" (under Settings > Checkout), so I don't see a path to update the store.


So this seems like a possible diff between what the reviewers are using and what we can use.


One additional bit of information, with use the "purchase.checkout.block.render" placeholder key – if this is of any help.


Any hints to solve this? For them or on our side?

Shopify Partner
31 1 0

Have same situation. Do you have a way on this?