Customer Account UI: modal displaying error

Customer Account UI: modal displaying error

Shopify Partner
8 0 1

Hello, i am developing a extension for new customer account UI.



module = "./src/MenuActionExtension.jsx"
target = ""

module = "./src/MenuPageRender.jsx"
target = "customer-account.order.action.render"

# Gives your extension access to directly query Shopify’s storefront API.
api_access = true

# Gives your extension access to make external network calls, using the
# JavaScript `fetch()` API. Learn more:
network_access = true



I have two targets a button "" and a modal that opens when clicking the button "customer-account.order.action.render".


When i preview the extension with "shopify app dev" the modal opens and displays fine.


But after the deployment of the extension the modal opens and displays an error "Try again in a few minutes".

I dont see anything in console.log and there also seems no network request to be happening.


How should i debug this kind of issue? Does anyone have experience with this?


Help is very much appreciated!




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