Free Shipping Discount extension not working with Subscription offers in cart

Free Shipping Discount extension not working with Subscription offers in cart

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1 0 1

Hey community! I'm running into a problem where I have a Free Shipping Discount extension running, however, the discount isn't being applied when I have a subscription product in the cart. I notice on the discountAutomaticFreeShippingCreate input fields, there is an option for appliesOnSubscription, however, the discountAutomaticAppCreate does not have this field.

I need to use the app to apply the discount as I am first checking to see if the cart includes a specific product to qualify for free shipping. I'm unable to do this check with a regular Automatic Free Shipping Discount.

I am also noticing that the Free Shipping Discount extension is running in checkout, because it is applying the discount message, however, it isn't applying the discount offer to the delivery option.

If anyone has an idea for a potential workaround to this problem, or something I have missed in the discountAutomaticAppCreate mutation, I am all ears!

Appreciate any assistance, cheers all!

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
430 29 115

What is your function outputting? Are you targeting the delivery option, or the delivery group?


Is the subscription product a "ProductVariant", or is it a "CustomProduct"?


Founder, Regios Discounts app (4.9 stars)
- Custom discounts made simple
- "Just about any discount you'll ever need"
- Built by an ex-Google software engineer