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Getting Checkout UI App Extension error in development at local

Getting Checkout UI App Extension error in development at local

Shopify Partner
365 69 87

Hello @Shopify , We are facing issues with the extension preview of local app extension development. We are developing a Checkout UI app extension of the app, till yesterday it works fine but from today morning it not working and not getting a extension window with developed extensions in the preview console of the app extension. Also getting error of the websocket connection failed in the backend side of the app in online store. So please review this issue and give a solution for it.

Screenshot from 2024-08-23 10-58-56.png

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Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

The same thing has happened to me, starting around 4pm PT yesterday, and continuing this morning. Have deleted node_modules+yarn, undone all of my local changes, and still see this error.


Error: `index-d35ac6bc.js:12 WebSocket connection to 'wss://bra-scales-diy-discharge.trycloudflare.com/extensions' failed: `



setupConnection(t=!0) {
this.options.connection.url && t && (this.closeConnection(),
this.connection = new WebSocket(this.options.connection.url,this.options.connection.protocols),
