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Getting error on "shopify app dev"

Getting error on "shopify app dev"

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

I created a custom app and then try to run the local env after app installation, the app loads but when I open the preview in the browser then I get some error logs and the "Generate a product" button does not workimage.pngimage.pngimage.pngimage.png.

I checked the logs and it is showing following errors:

  • ✘ [ERROR] Failed to resolve entry for package "crypto". The package may have incorrect main/module/exports specified in its
    package.json. [plugin vite:dep-pre-bundle]
    21:04:42 │ remix │
    21:04:42 │ remix │ node_modules/vite/node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.js:1225:21:
    21:04:42 │ remix │ 1225 │ let result = await callback({
  • Ultimately the build is expecting var crypto = require('crypto');



Node version: v22.3.0

Npm version: 10.8.1

Shopify CLI version: 3.61.2


I even tried with Yarn but the error persists.

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

did you find the solution for this crypto error ?