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How can I build a custom configurator?

How can I build a custom configurator?

1 0 0

Hi. I'm relatively new to the Shopify environment.


I'm interested in developing a custom configurator from scratch that would enable my customers to customize products.


With a friend of mine, we have the capability to develop both backend (Java/Node) and frontend apps (React/Angular). What would be the best approach to fulfill our requirements? I'm not seeking an actual solution, but rather guidance on the most optimal route in terms of integrating with Shopify.


Should we consider developing a plugin? Can we host it as a separate standalone app and communicate with the Shopify shop through a REST API? Would it be hosted at shopify? What are our options here?

Additionally, it's worth mentioning that we might consider offering this configurator as a service to others in the future.


Thank you!

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
63 1 10

Hi @Dzeronimo,

Going down the custom software road means a pretty big financial and time commitment, both upfront and in the long run, to ensure the configurator stays up to date. On the flip side, a professional SaaS solution could be cheaper, allow you to go live quickly, and to focus your energy on your ecommerce business instead.

If you're open to exploring SaaS options, I suggest that you take a look at Kickflip. Our team has been building it since 2010, helping thousands of customers to sell custom products. We are also rolling out dozens of new features every year.

