For discussing the development and usage of Checkout UI extensions, post-purchase extensions, web pixels, Customer Accounts UI extensions, and POS UI extensions
Okay so I created my first app using the Remix template and am generating QR codes successfully. Sweet.
I thought how can I extend this and learn something. So I decided I want to create an extension that allows me to select a variant from within the Product Detail admin page that is scoped to the selected product's variants.
Alright so I generated an extension using the `shopify app generate extension`. The demo worked fine.
Now I want to add my variant resource picker. I have no idea how to do this and not finding many resources on this.
I'm understanding that I need to use the App Bridge in some capacity though, but that this extension is just pure React right? I don't have access to any Remix packages correct?
Any help and/or example code or references to existing extension source that demostrates this would be much appreciated.
Hello @jamesauble
Solution 1:
The implementation goes beyond simply using the Shopify checkout extension. To achieve this, you will need to integrate the resource picker to select the product variant within an app built using the Shopify App Bridge. Additionally, you need to develop an API that manages the selected variants and integrate this API into your checkout extension.
To utilize a third-party API in the checkout extension, network access must be allowed in the app partner dashboard
and network access should be enabled in the shopify.extension.toml file.
Solution 2:
Instead of showing a resource picker on the admin page, you can utilize the checkout extension theme settings. To implement this follow below steps
1. add the following code to the shopify.extension.toml file.
2. go checkout the setting
3. add your extension block
4. result
Thanks for your response. I failed to specify in my post that I generated an Admin extension as I thought this seemed the most appropriate for the task. I just assumed I shouldn't be using the Checkout Extension because generating a QRCode from the product detail page didn't involve the checkout.
I'm not sure how much of your answer is relevant to the Admin Extension.