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Re: How do you actually activate the web pixel?


How do you actually activate the web pixel?

Shopify Partner
13 3 7

Hi there,


I could use clarification to step 5 in the documentation for setting up a web pixel (https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/marketing/pixels/getting-started#step-5-create-a-web-pixel-setting-for...)


I understand that the create mutation must be called within the app, but my question is where & how. I've seen two posts here that offered solutions:

1. Put a button in the app UI --> this seems problematic from a UX perspective

2. Put in the web folder --> not popping up when I create a web pixel even after updating CLI


Additionally, even when I try to do the button solution, the query in the Shopify documentation throws errors.


So my ask is this, could someone share:

  1.  The code for how they are calling this mutation
  2.  Where in their app this code lives


Thank you all so much!!

Accepted Solution (1)

Shopify Partner
13 3 7

This is an accepted solution.

Is this the "correct" solution, idk, but it worked and after two days of ANGST I will take it 🙂


I was able to connect the widget by putting the graphql request in the app's loader function


export const loader = async ({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
  // Authenticate with Shopify
  const { admin } = await authenticate.admin(request);

  const mutationResponse = await admin.graphql(
      mutation webPixelCreate($webPixel: WebPixelInput!) {
        webPixelCreate(webPixel: $webPixel) {
          userErrors {
          webPixel {
      variables: {
        webPixel: {
          settings: {
            "accountID": 'Account_ID_45466_this_is_as_per_toml'           

  if (!mutationResponse.ok) {
    console.error('Request failed', mutationResponse);

  const data = await mutationResponse.json();
  return mutationResponse



And then I set up the loader in the the index function of app/routes/app._index.tsxP:


export default function Index() {
  const muatationResponse = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();
//// All of your other code



View solution in original post

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
13 3 7

This is an accepted solution.

Is this the "correct" solution, idk, but it worked and after two days of ANGST I will take it 🙂


I was able to connect the widget by putting the graphql request in the app's loader function


export const loader = async ({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
  // Authenticate with Shopify
  const { admin } = await authenticate.admin(request);

  const mutationResponse = await admin.graphql(
      mutation webPixelCreate($webPixel: WebPixelInput!) {
        webPixelCreate(webPixel: $webPixel) {
          userErrors {
          webPixel {
      variables: {
        webPixel: {
          settings: {
            "accountID": 'Account_ID_45466_this_is_as_per_toml'           

  if (!mutationResponse.ok) {
    console.error('Request failed', mutationResponse);

  const data = await mutationResponse.json();
  return mutationResponse



And then I set up the loader in the the index function of app/routes/app._index.tsxP:


export default function Index() {
  const muatationResponse = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();
//// All of your other code



Shopify Partner
6 0 1

in the docs it's mentioned that : 
# This mutation creates a web pixel, and sets the `accountID` declared in `shopify.extension.toml` to the value `123`

i quite didn't understand this , in the `shopify.extension.toml` there's no value such as accountID :

type = "web_pixel_extension"
name = "app_name"

runtime_context = "strict"

type = "object"

name = "Account ID"
description = "Account ID"
type = "single_line_text_field"
validations =  [
  { name = "min", value = "1" }
Shopify Partner
3 0 0

accountID is listed here [settings.fields.accountID]