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How to use laravel to create app with extension?

How to use laravel to create app with extension?

Shopify Partner
22 0 13

I am trying to create an app with Shopify cli and php but in the latest update, Shopify removed the Laravel support.
So is there any solution to use Laravel with cli extension?

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Staff
1831 273 422

Hey @devPramod 


Not right now. Hopefully there's more support in future!

Scott | Developer Advocate @ Shopify 

Shopify Partner
7 1 2

Some extension seem to require authentication with the app server. If the app server is not created by the CLI, such as an existing server running in a non-javascript language,  is there a way to create extension using the Shopify cli, and have the extension integrate with app server?


Basically the app extension document says that: app uses extension should adhere the same authentication requirement. Is that all we need to do to have the extension work with the app server? and are there anyways to customize the authentication endpoints which the extensions should use?


If we couldn't customize the auth endpoint for the extension, we could change our apps to fit the extension's setting. Based on this auth doc, it seems I need to know three endpoints the extension may connect to.  Is that all?

Shopify Partner
7 1 2

I don't know how that works, but tested that authentication using a 3rd party library "kyon147/laravel-shopify" works for Shopify apps and extensions. So maybe we got to create app with that library for now.