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I Want to show a banner only for the checkout as company but not working

I Want to show a banner only for the checkout as company but not working

Shopify Partner
60 2 9
I want to use usePurchasingCompany  hook to show a banner only for b2b customer not d2c customer .
Here is my code i put trarget properly .
But its not working even i have configuration properly -
scopes = "read_companies,read_customers,read_draft_orders,write_customers,write_draft_orders"
Thats are scopes, can anyone help me please
import React from "react";
import { Banner, usePurchasingCompany } from "@shopify/ui-extensions-react/checkout";

export function App() {
  const purchasingCompany = usePurchasingCompany();

  // Check if the checkout is being made by a company
  if (purchasingCompany) {
    // If yes, show the banner
    return (
      <Banner>Holiday impacts on draft orders</Banner>
  } else {
    // If not, return null to show nothing
    return null;
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Replies 6 (6)

Shopify Partner
60 2 9

Anyone please give your insight , i am stucking on this .

Thank you 

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Shopify Partner
12 1 1


I have the same issue. 


usePurchasingCompany return is undefined.

I already added a company to the customer.
I request for Level 1 customer data access.

I tried displaying the customer from useCustomer hook and it has results. 

Did I miss something to make to work?

Shopify Partner
60 2 9
Did you gave proper scope ?
In my case - scopes = "read_companies,read_customers,read_draft_orders,write_customers,write_draft_orders"
Here is code thats working fine  if thats help to you 
import {
  } from '@shopify/ui-extensions-react/checkout';

  export default reactExtension(
    () => <Extension />,

  function Extension() {

    const purchasingCompany = usePurchasingCompany();
  if(!purchasingCompany) {
    return null;
  return (
      title="Test Note"

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Shopify Partner
12 1 1

Hi VsisodiyaDesign,


Thank you for your response.

Shopify Partner
12 1 1



I found the issue.


To be able to use usePurchasingCompany  hook for b2b customer.


You need to enable "New Customer accounts". (Settings > Customer accounts > Choose which version of customer accounts to use.)




Shopify Partner
60 2 9

Got it .Yes new account is only support the b2b customer account .


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