
Changes to text are not responsive (below 750px width) - Debut theme

18 0 5


I  made some changes to the text of a specific hero section. Concretely, I changed the color of the text and gave it a white background. The code I added to theme.css looks like this:

#shopify-section-16194524436c866472 .mega-title, #shopify-section-16194524436c866472 .mega-subtitle {
background-color: white;

However, as soon as I go below 750px width for the webpage all of my adjustments disappear and the original css returns. 

How can I make such changes to the text responsive? 



Accepted Solutions (2)
Shopify Partner
2302 570 1423

This is an accepted solution.

please Go to Online Store->Theme->Edit code then go to assets/theme.css ->paste below code at the bottom of the file.



@media only screen and (max-width: 749px){
#shopify-section-16194524436c866472 .mega-title , #shopify-section-16194524436c866472 .mega-subtitle {
background-color: #ffffff !important;



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Shopify Partner
390 109 143

This is an accepted solution.

Try this:


#Hero-16194524436c866472.hero .mega-title, #Hero-16194524436c866472 .hero .mega-subtitle 
background-color: #ffffff !important;

@media only screen and (max-width: 750px) {
#Hero-16194524436c866472.hero .mega-title, #Hero-16194524436c866472.hero .mega-subtitle  {
background-color:  #ffffff !important;


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If you're not comfortable with code, please modify code files at your own risk.

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Replies 12 (12)