Covers all questions related to inventory management, order fulfillment, and shipping.
The following is my parameter, the interface keeps returning 400, I don't know where the problem is, please help to see:
{ "api_version": "2023-04", "line_items_by_fulfillment_order": [{ "fulfillment_order_id": 5034991222000, "fulfillment_order_line_items": [{ "id": 12264062156000, "quantity": 1 }] }], "message": "", "notify_customer": false, "origin_address": { "address1": "", "address2": "", "city": "", "country_code": "DE", "province_code": "", "zip": "" }, "tracking_info": { "company": "DHL Express", "number": "00340434289346108000", "url": "https:\\/\\/\\/us-en\\/home\\/tracking.html?tracking-id=00340434289346108000" } }
The /admin/api/2023-04/fulfillments.json interface is used
Hi Laura,
There were recent deprecations on some endpoints on the Fulfillment API - can you confirm you're not making calls to any of these endpoints? It's possible that this 404 is being caused by your app making calls to endpoints which are no longer accessible due to being deprecated.
Hope this helps,
Liam | Developer Advocate @ Shopify
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