Covers all questions related to inventory management, order fulfillment, and shipping.
We have a consumer mobile app that creates orders in Shopify for hyper-local delivery of products by bicycle, so it's key that the orders get fulfilled from the right location (closest to where the user lives, determined by the mobile app). Currently we only have 1 location, but will soon have several locations/stores, and I'm trying to figure out how I can assign orders to the right location for fulfillment.
I'm using the GraphQL mutations draftOrderCreate followed by draftOrderComplete from our mobile app to create the orders today and am now wondering how I can specify which location each order should be fulfilled from in this integration? Optimally we can set the location for each order before calling draftOrderComplete, as any new orders in Shopify immediately gets synced to our Warehouse Management System for picking and delivery to the customer.
Thank you in advance for assistance!