Can a payment app access merchants' order fullfillment info?

Can a payment app access merchants' order fullfillment info?

Shopify Partner
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hi there


   1.Working on a payment app, do we have access to the shop orders info within 60 days? If so, which api should we use?

   2.If we don't have the access, where can we apply for read_orders access, so we can let shops to approve us.


Replies 2 (2)

Community Manager
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Hi Myhelloword,


By default, all apps can access the last 60 days' worth of orders for a store using the Order API. You can find more details about the Order API in our dev docs.


To access all the orders, beyond the 60 days limit, you need to request access to the read_all_orders scope from the store. Here's how you can do it:

  1. From the Partner Dashboard, go to [Apps](https://www. shopify. com/admin/apps).

  2. Click the name of your app.

  3. Click API access.

  4. In the Access requests section, on the Read all orders scope card, click Request access.

  5. On the Orders page that opens, describe your app and why you’re applying for access.

  6. Click Request access.

After this, it's up to the shop owner to approve your request. Hope this helps!

Liam | Developer Advocate @ Shopify 
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Shopify Partner
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ultimately, we want to get the track number of a order and verify the fullfillment.

However, as a payment app, we don't have access to orders scope
How to access the last 60 days' worth of orders for a store
