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Create a carrier service with GraphQL


Create a carrier service with GraphQL

Shopify Partner
7 0 1



I'm currently devlopping shopify embed application for a warehouse. I need a customer from different shop can choose my delivery offer code. I have already do this with shopify rest API  https://help.shopify.com/en/api/reference/shipping-and-fulfillment/carrierservice. But my new application is boilerplate by shopify-app-cli, and i use only GraphQL, it is possible to add a carrier service using Shopify GraphQL API ? 

Accepted Solution (1)

Shopify Staff
1134 84 235

This is an accepted solution.

Hey @destpat , 


At this time it is not possible to create a carrier service with the GraphQL Admin API. It can only be done with the REST API. This seems like an oversight to me though, so I've logged a request to add mutations so that you'll be able to. 

Josh | Shopify 
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Replies 7 (7)

Shopify Staff
1134 84 235

This is an accepted solution.

Hey @destpat , 


At this time it is not possible to create a carrier service with the GraphQL Admin API. It can only be done with the REST API. This seems like an oversight to me though, so I've logged a request to add mutations so that you'll be able to. 

Josh | Shopify 
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1 0 1

Hello, any update on this? Is it creating a carrier service with the GraphQL API still impossible?

Shopify Partner
4 0 1

Any update on this? I need the same feature.

Shopify Partner
4 0 0

@Josh - Any updates on this?  Even in the 2021-04 Release Candidate I still don't see how this is possible over a year later.


Thank you!

Shopify Partner
60 3 29

@Josh is there an update on this? Any kind of response would be appreciated

Shopify Partner
107 1 53

@Josh ^bump on this again 🙂 I feel this is an important mutation now as merchants have multiple shipping profiles and this is needed for apps to add themselves to shipping profiles automatically other than the 'general shipping profile'.

It will go a long way for merchant usability.

3 0 0

@Josh is there any update on this?  it's been 3 years