Covers all questions related to inventory management, order fulfillment, and shipping.
Hi there!
I am going to create a fulfillment using Fulfillment API but it returns error.
We are developing our own dropship management system using Shopify API with PHP package.
All the API has been successfully integrated but creating fulfillment (retrieving fulfillment orders works well) always returns error.
"Fulfillment payloads fulfillment order must be greater than 0"
Here I attach the code where I used real values for testing.
$fulfills = $this->shopify->get('/orders/5625029001545/fulfillment_orders.json'); $orderfulfills = $fulfills['fulfillment_orders']; if (is_array($orderfulfills) && count($orderfulfills) >0) { foreach ($orderfulfills as $rfill) { if (isset($rfill['request_status']) && $rfill['request_status'] =='unsubmitted' && isset($rfill['assigned_location'])) { $apiKey = "***"; $password = "***"; $storeId = "***"; $endpoint = ""; // Prepare the data to be sent in the request body $data = array( 'fulfillment' => array( "fulfillment_order_id" => $rfill['id'], "message"=>"Fulfilled 1 item.", "notify_customer"=> false, "location_id" => $rfill['assigned_location']['location_id'], "tracking_info"=> array( "number" => "YMT29GRM", "url" => "", "company" => "GLS" ), "line_items_by_fulfillment_order"=> array( array( "line_item_id" => "14794802299209", "fulfillable_quantity" => 1 ) ) ) ); // Convert the data to JSON format $jsonData = json_encode($data); // Set the headers for the request $headers = array( "Content-Type: application/json", "X-Shopify-Access-Token: ***", "X-Request-ID: " . uniqid(), // Generate a unique ID for the request ); // Initialize cURL $curl = curl_init(); // Set the cURL options curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $endpoint); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $apiKey . ":" . $password); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $jsonData); // Execute the request $response = curl_exec($curl); $responseCode = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); echo 'Response Code: ' . $responseCode . PHP_EOL; echo 'Response Body: ' . $response . PHP_EOL; // Check for errors if ($response === false) { $error = curl_error($curl); echo "cURL Error: " . $error; } else { // Process the response $responseData = json_decode($response, true); // Handle the response data as needed } // Close cURL curl_close($curl); } } }
Solved! Go to the solution
This is an accepted solution.
really? I see right off the bat multiple issues.
First issue:
Is that you have a object instead of an array of objects for line_items_by_fulfillment_order
Second issue:
you have object for fulfillment_order_line_items instead of an array of objects.
"line_items_by_fulfillment_order": {
instead of
"line_items_by_fulfillment_order": [ {..},{..} ]
"filfillment_order_line_items": {
instead of
"filfillment_order_line_items": [ {..},{..} ]
Thats what it means by expected hash to be an array.
Hi There,
Your line_items_by_fulfillment_order json is incorrect. There is no "fulfillable_quantity" property in the line_items_by_fulfillment_order.
Additionally, if I am not mistaken, you do not specify the location_id when creating a fulfillment with the new api since the fulfillment_order is assigned to a specific location to begin with.
Hi Gary!
Thanks for your reply.
I updated the json and tried again but same error.
Also, there was location_id originally.
'fulfillment' => array(
"location_id" => $rfill['assigned_location']['location_id'],
"fulfillment_order_id" => $rfill['id'],
"message"=>"The Jewllery Room fulfilled 1 item.",
"notify_customer"=> false,
"tracking_info"=> array(
"number" => "YMT29GRM",
"url" => "",
"company" => "GLS"
"line_items_by_fulfillment_order"=> array(
"line_item_id" => "14794802299209"
"errors":["Fulfillment payloads fulfillment order must be greater than 0"]
you need to have a quantity field and it needs to be greater than zero.
use Shopify\Rest\Admin2023_01\Fulfillment;
use Shopify\Utils;
$this->test_session = Utils::loadCurrentSession(
$fulfillment = new Fulfillment($this->test_session);
$fulfillment->message = "The package was shipped this morning.";
$fulfillment->notify_customer = false;
$fulfillment->tracking_info = [
"number" => "1Z001985YW99744790",
"company" => "UPS"
$fulfillment->line_items_by_fulfillment_order = [
"fulfillment_order_id" => 1046000793,
"fulfillment_order_line_items" => [
"id" => 1058737520,
"quantity" => 1
true, // Update Object
Hi Gary!
I updated the structure as follows and tested again.
$data = array(
'fulfillment' => array(
"location_id" => $rfill['assigned_location']['location_id'],
"message"=>"The Jewllery Room fulfilled 1 item.",
"notify_customer"=> false,
"tracking_info"=> array(
"number" => "YMT29GRM",
"company" => "GLS"
"line_items_by_fulfillment_order"=> array(
"fulfillment_order_id" => $rfill['id'],
"filfillment_order_line_items" => array(
"id" => "14794802299209",
"quantity" => 1
And it returns error.
"errors":{"line_items_by_fulfillment_order":"expected Hash to be a Array"
Before I saw this error and could fix the issue by updating json as the first code I attached.
You still have an error in your json structure. Echo it out and compare it to the structure of the json in the example below.
"message":"The package was shipped this morning.",
Hi Gary!
Thank you for your help!
Yes, here's the current code again.
$data = array(
'fulfillment' => array(
"location_id" => $rfill['assigned_location']['location_id'],
"message"=>"The Jewllery Room fulfilled 1 item.",
"notify_customer"=> false,
"tracking_info"=> array(
"number" => "YMT29GRM",
"company" => "GLS"
"line_items_by_fulfillment_order"=> array(
"fulfillment_order_id" => $rfill['id'],
"filfillment_order_line_items" => array(
"id" => "14794802299209",
"quantity" => 1
// Convert the data to JSON format
$jsonData = json_encode($data);
echo $jsonData;
And the json is showing as follows when I echo.
"fulfillment": {
"location_id": 61480337591,
"message": "The Jewllery Room fulfilled 1 item.",
"notify_customer": false,
"tracking_info": {
"number": "YMT29GRM",
"company": "GLS"
"line_items_by_fulfillment_order": {
"fulfillment_order_id": 6661985730889,
"filfillment_order_line_items": {
"id": "14794802299209",
"quantity": 1
So I think there's no error in json structure.
This is an accepted solution.
really? I see right off the bat multiple issues.
First issue:
Is that you have a object instead of an array of objects for line_items_by_fulfillment_order
Second issue:
you have object for fulfillment_order_line_items instead of an array of objects.
"line_items_by_fulfillment_order": {
instead of
"line_items_by_fulfillment_order": [ {..},{..} ]
"filfillment_order_line_items": {
instead of
"filfillment_order_line_items": [ {..},{..} ]
Thats what it means by expected hash to be an array.
Hi Gary!
Yes, I updated the structure and tested again.
Now it works!! Thank you so much!!
By the way, as you can see my code, I specified 1 line item id so it would fulfill only 1 item in that order. (there were 2 line items in that order).
But currently all the items in the order are fulfilled. (I attached screenshot)
Is it possible for me to fulfill specific item?
yes, if your data structure is correct it should only fulfill the line items you specify in the array of line items to fulifll. If the array is empty it will fulfill all items in the order.
If this is a test system you can cancel the fulfillment (which will create a new fulfillment order) which you can fulfill again and again until you get the structure and information correct. Be advised that the id in filfillment_order_line_items is the and not the
Okay, I am sure it will work.
Thank you so much for your kind help, Gary!
I really appreciate it!
Hi Ironpro
If the parameter format and request parameters are correct, I still cannot access them. Is it because there is still a configuration error on my end?
hi Gary!
What do I need to do when my request result returns like this.
Hi there,
did you check the json structure against the documentation? For 2023-07 there is no api_version or location_id property in the json.
The api_version is required in the URL part not in the json body, and location is not listed in the json body either.
The next question is.. where did this ID come from?
"fulfillment_order_id": "5191216758866"
is that the order_id "/orders/{order_id}.json" ? If so then that is your problem.
as the parameter says that should be the fulfillment_order_id, which you get by querying the fulifllment_orders endpoint.
Give that a try
Thank you! Processed