Creating/Updating Locations, Shipping Zones and Taxes (Countries)

Creating/Updating Locations, Shipping Zones and Taxes (Countries)

Shopify Partner
10 0 2

Hi, I'm currently working on a software that is supposed to make its users ability to manage multiple stores from the same platform and I need to update/created locations, shipping zones and taxes (countries) via the API but I can't find a way to do it

Quick exemple:
In the software we create tax rules, locations and shipping zones.
All the rules are saved into the software database
And then the user should be able to select rules and apply them to stores in one click

My problem, concern the API side, for most of the tasks it's straightforward (make a call to the API, done, changes applied)

I've taken a tour on the delivery profiles API but it seems to allow only grouping already existing locations/taxes/zones.

I there a way to create them via api ?

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