Fulfill Orders

Fulfill Orders

11 0 1

Could someone advise me if I am on the correct path?

What I am trying to do is to fulfill an order. I am using the phpclassic shopifySDK.

In order to do that

1)  I Query the 'GET fulfillment_orders endpoint' to get the fulfillment IDs for each line for a particular order.

2) once I get the fulfillment IDs, I am going to , do the below




      "tracking_number" => 'XXXXXXX'
      "tracking_urls" => 'https://tracking_url...',
      "notify_customer" => true,
      "location_id" => 'location_id,



I know My question includes the use of an external library, but just posting it here hoping that someone here is using the same.



Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
431 41 181

Hi There,


It looks like that library does not support fulfillments.. I just did a quick check and noticed that for the fulfillment class the developer chose not to support create


 * @method array complete() Complete a fulfillment
* @method array open() Open a pending fulfillment
* @method array cancel() Cancel a fulfillment
* @method array update_tracking(array $data) Updates the tracking information for a fulfillment.

You are going to have to look for a different library, or go vanilla.




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