Fulfillment Order Move API Creates Duplicate Lines

Fulfillment Order Move API Creates Duplicate Lines

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Using Fulfillment Order Move  with fulfillment_order_line_items array to specify only moving certain lines, there seems to be a bug where moving all quantities of a line from fulfillment order 1 (routed to location 1) to fulfillment order 2 (routed to location 2) will not delete the the line from fulfillment order 1 but still adds the quantities to the line on fulfillment order 2. This essentially duplicates lines/fulfillment orders. This seems to only happen when fulfillment order 1 also has other lines.


Steps to reproduce:

1. Create order with 2 lines, product A with quantity 1, product B with quantity 3

2. Fulfillment order gets created routed to location X

3. Use Fulfillment Order Move API to move 1 quantity of product B to location Y. This works as expected and creates a second fulfillment order with one line of product B with quantity 1, original fulfillment order now has product B with quantity 2

4. Use Fulfillment Order Move API to move 2 quantity of product B to location Y. This does not work as expected. Second fulfillment order now has one line of product B with quantity 3, but original fulfillment order now has 1 quantity of product A AND 2 quantity of product B.


Expectation is that after Step 4, original fulfillment order has only 1 line of product A with quantity 1, and second fulfillment order has only 1 line of product B with quantity 3

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