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GraphQL query API to get carrier name and URL from tracking number

GraphQL query API to get carrier name and URL from tracking number

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Is there a GraphQL query to get the carrier name and URL from tracking number? I know tracking information is returned with the fulfillmentCreateV2 mutation, but I want to be able to query for this instead.




Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
4853 60 569

You get the carrier name and tracking number from your third-party, usually. If you mean, you want to query an existing fulfillment and get the carrier name and tracking number assigned to it, then that is not a mutation, but instead, you get the value by providing the ID of the fulfillment you are interested in. A quick scan shows fulfillmenttrackinginfo when you get a fulfillment.

So if all you have is a tracking number, you're out of luck. You need the order, to get the fulfillments, and then match your tracking number to one of those results.

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