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How long can I continue using API version 2021-01

How long can I continue using API version 2021-01

11 0 1

I need a suggestion regarding the use of the older version of the Shopify Admin API.

I am using the /admin/api/2022-01/orders/#{id}/fulfillments.json endpoint to update the fulfillment status.

I don't want to use the fulfillment API as it's a more complex process and we don't require it.


So I am wondering how long can I continue using the 2021-01 version of the API. Is the endpoint going to be deprecated one-day soon? 

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Staff
1453 238 531

Hi @TonyToms, the documentation here https://shopify.dev/apps/fulfillment/migrate discusses the migration strategy for these changes. It is expected that  "by API version 2023-04, all apps should be using the FulfillmentOrder object to manage fulfillments." That document also serves as a migration guide and has some links to examples and next steps as well. I hope that helps for your needs.

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11 0 1

Hi Team


Thanks a lot for the response. 

However one of the response I got from my previous post is that i can continue using the below endpoint

  /admin/api/2022-01/orders/#{id}/fulfillments.json endpoint

 is that fine ?

New Member
8 0 0

Hi All,


As of 4th July all calls to /admin/api/2022-01/orders/#{id}/fulfillments.json endpoint on the store we use have started returning 404 errors.


Was something turned off on that day?


Could the store owner have changes some setting themselves to cause this? Just trying to find if it's an official turn off of that legacy API on that day, or some other issue.


I would have thought there would be a definitive shopify record of when a feature was 'turned off'

