Inventory historical stock out data

Inventory historical stock out data

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

Hi there,

I am currently building a demand forecasting and inventory management tool, ultimately warning users of stock out risk and providing a suggested reorder quantity.

In order to capture the historical demand correctly, I would like to be able to capture historical stock outs for products. Is this something that can be taken from the API?

I know that for live store data, there is a button for shopify merchants in settings that indicates 'sell when out of stock', and there is a 'comitted' header that keeps track of the amount of backorders. We can store and capture the commited and available QTY in our database, for this we need to run 2 Shopify hooks one is for getting the commited QTY and another one is for available QTY and on the basis of data we will do the calculation and send these details in the API. So for live data it is possible, but is it possible for historical data also?

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
34 0 0


If you want to be able to analyse inventory history for more than the Shopify limit of 90 days, I recommend checking out my app Inventory History Guardian, which records the inventory level of each product variant at each of your locations every day. You can also create inventory adjustments directly in the app, which will update Shopify's inventory while allowing you to add custom notes and reasons for the changes (like damage, theft, or expiry).
All of the data is easily exportable to CSV.

Let me know if you have any questions.