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Mark order as "Ready for Pickup" using Rest API v2021-01

Mark order as "Ready for Pickup" using Rest API v2021-01

1 0 2

While trying to mark the Local Pickup order as "Ready for Pickup" through Rest API, we're unable to do so. 
The endpoint that is being used is: 'orders/<orderID>/fulfillments.json'
Below attached is the Data object that is being sent in the call
var data = {
"location_id": "",
"tracking_numbers": [],
"line_items": [],
"shipment_status": "ready_for_pickup"
When making a fulfillment call through API, the order is marked as Picked Up on Shopify instead of Ready for Pickup.
Can you please help us out with this as to what we're doing wrong here? 
Your earlier response will highly be appreciated.

Replies 8 (8)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
267 40 51

Hi @William_Leeson 

Could you please provide an x-request-id from one of the requests that did this? It's found in the response headers. If you can let me know, I can take a look through our logs and see if I can determine what's going wrong here!


To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

Shopify Partner
18 0 3

From what I understand this has still not been fixed? Has anybody had further information regarding this?

Shopify Partner
5 0 26

Hi Csam,


We are having the same issue as well. Can you tell us a solution to this problem?



Shopify Partner
18 0 3

Apparently a known bug which has not been fixed for years. So no workaround as of yet ;(

Shopify Partner
18 0 3

Anybody know if this has been resolved yet?


5 year old bug - cant allow 3rd parties to mark an order ready for collect? crazy

Shopify Partner
5 0 1
Shopify Partner
11 0 2

Hello, can you explain me how to do this?

FulfillmentOrderLineItemsPreparedForPickupInput isn't a defined input type (on $input)
Field 'fulfillmentOrderLineItemsPreparedForPickup' doesn't exist on type 'Mutation'
Variable $input is declared by fulfillmentOrderLineItemsPreparedForPickup but not used


These are the errors I get when i try to use the mutation. https://shopify.dev/docs/api/admin-graphql/2023-04/mutations/fulfillmentOrderLineItemsPreparedForPic...

1 0 0

Thanks for your help. My problem is that there're no fullfillments created on my order. Its already paid, but there's no node created, so I cannot call the GraphQL mutation you indicate.


I see this in my order:


"fulfillments": [],
"fulfillmentOrders": {
"nodes": []