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Multiple pick up locations with one inventory location

Multiple pick up locations with one inventory location

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I have been trying for 7 years to make this a feature! It seems like an easy solution so I don't understand why we have not been able to get it processed. I have been researching apps for days now. My work around was offering a free shipping option in the shipping portion of checkout labeling them local pick up locations, however with all the updates on mobile devices (e.g. apple pay) it automatically picks the "free" option at checkout and does not always show the description as "free local pickup" so I have had to disable it because I have had more and more shipping customers choose this at checkout that actually needed it shipped. So frustrating. I am willing to find an app and pay for this (even though I feel like this should be a shopify option) but I have downloaded multiple apps and either they email me that they are not accepting new customers or the app isn't doing what I need it to do. I have wasted countless hours trying to make this work. I know its possible because my store app was with commentsold before they changed the agreement with shopify and i easily had two pick up locations in my app through commentsold. Shopify PLEASE MAKE THIS A FEATURE FOR YOUR STORES!!!!

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
275 30 30

Hi, there

I'm curious to know why you included the local pickup option in your shipping methods since Shopify has its own pickup setup. Doesn't it meet your requirements?



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I have a similar question - I'm already offering in store pick up but would like to offer it at other area businesses who I am partnering with. I know I can create additional locations but I'm trying to keep all of the inventory in one virtual location. Is that possible?