Covers all questions related to inventory management, order fulfillment, and shipping.
Hi all,
wonder If this is possible and If someone want to point me in the right direction.
i have e supplier where i sync products with syncee data feed manager and filter products with sku equal to.
the same supplier has sent a «flow» regarding order requests. I need this setup to work because the data feed contain special cost price pr item. Its not possible to get those prices with manual orders, orders automated to email, export to csv etc.
here is the flow from my supplier.
when i receive a order ( shopify store ) the following setup needs to work:
( i did read somewhere that api request with sku is not supported, but not sure how to move forward )
thanks for any feedback
Suppliers URL (php)
method : post
input parameter :
login : login id
password : password
ship_name : shipping user name
ship_email : shipping user email
ship_tel : shipping user tel no
ship_zip : shipping zip(postal) code
ship_country : shipping country
ship_address : shipping address
sku : SKU
quantity : 1
mode : "test" (Sandbox mode)
** Production Do not use mode=test ,
It is development environment only.
output (JSON):
status : “1”,
order_no : “GZD-12345”,
item :
[ "sku":"sku01" , "quantity":"1" , "price":"xxxxx" ] ,
sub_total : "10000",
discount : "100" ,
total : "100"
** status 2 or 0 indicates that the order failed.
It happens when product is Out of stock (2) or system error occurs (0).
1: Ordered
2: Out of stock
0: System error
( i did read somewhere that api request with sku is not supported, but not sure how to move forward )
Yes its possible via GraphQL to get product variant SKU
query {productVariants(first: 1, query: "sku:aa-bb-cc-xxl")
Let me know If you are need help integrating your vendor API
Hello and thank you very much for your reply.
Yes, I really need help solving this. Is this something you can help me with? Please let me know if you have time and can resolve this for me and how much this will cost.