Covers all questions related to inventory management, order fulfillment, and shipping.
Hi there, we have multiple orders come in every day and could use an "Mark as In Process" button that allows us to check the box next to the order then select "Mark as In Process" that keeps the selected order info area shaded. That will let us know the order sheet has been printed and the order is working through the system. At this point we have to write down the last order number that we print off to keep track of where to start the next day. This tab would do nothing more than change the color of the selected orders info area much like it does when you select the box now to print or whatever. When marked "In Process" it would just maintain that shaded color and all of the new orders coming in would still be unshaded as they are now to differentiate where the cutoff is. This would be a great simple addition and super helpful.
Hi @robbin
This is a great feature as it will simplify reports and filter out order status.