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Re: Return API

Return API

8 0 5

Hi Guys,


I am new to Shopify and searching for the Return API to get all the customer requested returns for the order items. I could not find any APIs related to Return.

I am confused between Return and Refund. Here are my few questions:

  1. Is there any API supported for returns requested from Customer (Get/Create/Update APIs)? If yes, please share the reference document or endpoint.
  2. What is Refund in Shopify? Is it the same as Return?

Please help me with this.


Thanks in advance!!


Replies 24 (24)

Shopify Staff
541 103 124

Hi @shikha_j 


When you refund an item, you have the option of doing a restock if this was a return.

1. There is no API endpoint for a customer generated return. You can look into our apps for this process if needed. 

2. Here is the documentation on what a refund is: https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/orders/refund-cancel-order



To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

8 0 5

Thanks for the help!!

Not applicable

I see some new returns functionality was recently added. Its nice to be able to mark products as returned and stuff. Is this also available via api?

19 0 8

Just following up on this to see if I understand this correctly and to see if this has changed since the original post.

So there is no API to;

  • Set an order status to "Return in progress" as shown in the Orders page under the 'Open' list. See here; Screenshot 2020-12-03 at 14.35.44.png
  • Therefore no other API to move the order through the return process i.e mark it as Returned?
  • No API either to query the returned status?

Is there anyplace I can go see that information programatically ? Is it stored in meta-data for the order?


1 0 3

I am also interested to learn the answer to David's question.

Not applicable

I checked if its stored in order metadata and it is not.

Shopify Partner
28 2 22

Just to follow the thread to see if any Shopify representative can share any update for Order Return API, as we encounter this situation for a plus merchant.

The behavior on user flow vs API flow is very different.

I am a Freelance Web Engineer. Dedicated my life to e-commerce development.
1 0 4

Also interested in having access to an order return API! Now that Shopify is offering the functionality in the back-office, we would like to use it in connection with a 3PL.

Shopify​,​ Shopify Plus and Shopify POS Consultant & Trainer
"If it's good for you, it's good for me."
2 0 1

We are interested in RETURN api access too, it will allow us to integrate with our warehouse software nicely.

1 0 1


Is there an API that allows our 3PL to push returns directly into shopify to the inventory is updated and all we need to do as the business is click the Refund button? At the moment we need to login into our 3PL portal, manually check the returns, manually search the order and click Refund and update stock.

A Rufund API or an app that can do this would be great. 

11 0 6

I am looking for the same - Return API access.... so I can sync our Finance Suite with Shopify. The Sales Return and receiving of it is a critical factor for every product business. Can any Shopify Admin let us know if we are going to get access to this? It doesn't show as a webhook response in Order Update or Fulfillment Update. There is no way to identify if a Return has been initiated. We all want to eliminate the manual work by syncing our apps, so kindly let us know when/how can we access the Return API. The Refund happens after the Return, so meanwhile it is double work initiating a sales return first on shopify, then on Finance suite.


3 1 1

Shopify have added return statuses through GraphQL API but not available for REST API if you are using that one.




5 0 5

Is there any reason why returns and return metadata aren't offered as an API endpoint?

This seems to be a key gap in allowing vendors to manage and get visibility of a key process.

Shopify Partner
79 14 46

Dear Shopify Staff, this is not a solved thread if you see all the other comments from other Shopify Partners 😉 Please give a update if possible,

Auf der Suche nach Superkräften für deinen Versand in Shopify? Dann such im App-Store nach easyDHL, easyDPD oder easyGLS. Was passendes für deine Retouren könnte easyReturns sein 😉
Shopify Partner
79 14 46

@vix  Can you please give an update. It seems the functionality is still there but api endpoints for developers are missing. 

Auf der Suche nach Superkräften für deinen Versand in Shopify? Dann such im App-Store nach easyDHL, easyDPD oder easyGLS. Was passendes für deine Retouren könnte easyReturns sein 😉
Shopify Partner
38 0 13

Did you find any solution to the problem?

5 0 5

Don't know why this is marked as solved

Shopify Partner
112 7 76

Doing a refund with restockType is not ideal. The restocking is not communicated in the Order Line overview.


Can we please get communication from Shopify as to when the Return API will be generally available? I'm having so many confused merchants explaining me why the returns from my Apps don't show up "correctly" as returned, but they do show up when they are returned via Shopify Admin.

Shopify Partner
38 0 13

Is there any update over this issue or shopify still did not provide return api

Shopify Partner
4 0 17

I don't think this is going to be un-solved by the extra replies. It might just be better to start a new post/thread.


Did just that here: https://community.shopify.com/c/shopify-apis-and-sdks/understanding-how-much-of-a-specific-fulfilmen...

1 0 1


Shopify seems to be working on a return API. They will launch a Beta: https://www.shopify.com/editions/summer2022/dev#return

Shopify Partner
17 0 1

Hi, Is return order API available now as I'm unable to find its API in docs

Shopify Partner
38 0 13

Shopify Partner
8 1 3

@Shopify This thread should be closed because the Return API now exists