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Seeking fulfillment partner for online store -

Seeking fulfillment partner for online store -

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We have a current Shopify store account currently offering quality frozen ready made meat products however we are seeking a relatively low cost transportation partner who can deliver our goods to customers while at the same time ensuring to respect the appropriate food safety procedures upon delivery (ex: delivery using ice packs to maintain temperature control - cold chain) 

Does Uber eats currently have any integration with Shopify or can you recommend a similar carrier that we can contact to integrate to our Shopify store for customer delivery of orders ? We need some guidance on this please to build our online store for fulfillment of goods delivery 

I can be contacted at ak@exprescofoods.com or directly at 514-862-7764 


Achilles (Archie) Kotsakis - Expresco Factory Outlet manager 

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
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Hi Achilles,

I hope you are doing well. 

Uber Eats does not have direct integration with Shopify. However, you can utilise Nash - Reliable Local Delivery to integrate Uber Eats with your Shopify store. 

Additionally, you can explore the below services as well.

- ShipperHQ
- FedEx Cold Chain
- Chill Courier

I hope this helps.

