Covers all questions related to inventory management, order fulfillment, and shipping.
Hi. I have a technical question regarding API. I am developing an application that connects with my Shopify store. The application is for my operation and packing team. There are two checkpoints where the application "POST" to my Shopify store.
1st checkpoint. The application will update the order with the tracking number, but not changing the order status to fulfilled yet.
2nd checkpoint. The application will update the above order status to be fulfilled.
Is this possible?
Hey @FaisalAiraz
Following some tests, it doesn't look possible via API. In REST, if POST'ing to /orders/{order_id}/fulfillments.json supplying the tracking number, the Fulfillment will be fulfilled - "status" = "success".
If I want to PUT the tracking number to the Fulfillment Resource, you need a fulfillment ID (fulfillment_status would not be null) and it's the same in GQL with fulfillmentTrackingInfoUpdateV2.
Hope that helps at least!
Hi @Luke_K
Thank you for replying. So I can still save tracking number using PUT call, but first I need to create a Fulfillment to the Order with the status of the fulfillment set to Pending?
Hey @FaisalAiraz
Apologies, I think I caused confusion in my post above actually. You need to POST to update_tracking.json(documentation). This would require a fulfillment ID.
You're not going to get a fulfillment ID without first having created a fulfillment.
I'd encourage you take a look at our REST and GraphQL documentation to explore what is possible, and test from there. Hope that helps!
So from what I can understand is;
1. I create a Fulfillment for an Order, status can be Pending.
2. I use the Fulfillment ID to POST tracking number. Status remains Pending.
3. Once Shipment is confirmed I POST to Fulfillment to update Status to Success.