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When an item is checked out, can 2 of the locations inventory stocks be deducted at the same time?

When an item is checked out, can 2 of the locations inventory stocks be deducted at the same time?

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I currently have 2 locations: 1st is "WEBSITE ORDERS ONLY" (enabled fulfillment but not default) and 2nd location is "MAIN INVENTORY" (default but not enabled fulfillment). This is because the MAIN INVENTORY location is connected to a 3rd party inventory-monitoring software which takes note of our restocks, damages, etc. The reason for not enabling fulfillment in the MAIN INVENTORY location is to avoid overselling and I prefer to set a specific allocation only for Shopify customers and not see all the stocks remaining. 


Since WEBSITE ORDERS ONLY stocks will be shown in our website and WEBSITE ONLY inventory can be checked out by customers, is it possible to have a way that both locations' inventory are deducted? This is so that both inventories are accounted for.


Perhaps there's a way to change Shopify's code in the inventory & check out section? Or can this be solved through order-routing or 3rd party app? Thank you 

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