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100% 502 bad gateway when create a product

100% 502 bad gateway when create a product

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

i have put the product file here:



for my problem, the api call is:


1. create a new product with title / tags and some other fields

2. create product images one by one with the product id created in step 1

3. update product variants / options with the product id created in step 1


Now 100% happens at step 3, when call PUT /admin/api/2022-01/products/[product id].json , it will block for more than 20 seconds, then return 502 bad gateway. sometimes it return an error said product is in updating.


i have tried:

1. reduce of variants, but even 3 variants also have problem.

2. sleep 3 seconds after create images, then update variants, no effect.

3. change api version from 2022-03, no effect.


when got 502 error, try agian with same parameters, no problem, updated success. but the first time block too long, and 100% happens.


Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

no problem when do update with the same variants.

maybe it's caused by image creation.