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422 error when trying to add/update metafields of a product variant


422 error when trying to add/update metafields of a product variant

2 1 0



So I'm trying to add/update the metafields that a product variant has.


My attempt at doing it through a PUT request:


          path: `variants/${response.body.variant.id}`,
          data: {"variant":{"id":`${response.body.variant.id}`,"metafields":[{"key":"new","value":"testingtheput","type":"single_line_text_field","namespace":"global"}]}},
          type: "application/json"
        }).then( response => {
My attempt to do it through a POST request to add it is as follows:
        path: `products/${productId}/variants/${response.body.variant.id}/metafields`,
        data: {"metafield":{"namespace":"test","key":"testingpost","value":"testingthepost","type":"single_line_text_field"}},
        type: "application/json"
      }).then(response => {
Both PUT and POST both return a 422 error, hinting at the metafield parameters not being correct. I specifically tried to follow the API doc examples for both types of request. The links for the docs used are:
https://shopify.dev/api/admin-rest/2021-10/resources/product-variant#[put]/admin/api/2021-10/variant... -> for the PUT of the variant (specifically "Add a metafield to an existing variant" )
I'm not sure what else I can try, so I'm hoping someone from this community might be able to help.
Accepted Solution (1)
2 1 0

This is an accepted solution.

Hi Jason,


I was able to fix the issue with some good old pair programming with a colleague!

Thanks either way for jumping in on the issue.

I am using the nodeJs boilerplate app that one can generate by using the shopify CLI.


For future reference if people may be experiencing the same issue:

- Check what API version the boilerplate app is running on, mine was per default running on a super old version that isn't even referenced in the API docs anymore. You can find this setting in your 'server.js' file when using the NodeJs boilerplate:


  API_KEY: process.env.SHOPIFY_API_KEY,
  SCOPES: process.env.SCOPES.split(","),
  HOST_NAME: process.env.HOST.replace(/https:\/\/|\/$/g, ""),
  API_VERSION: ApiVersion.October20,
  // This should be replaced with your preferred storage strategy
  SESSION_STORAGE: new Shopify.Session.MemorySessionStorage(),
It uses an enum and the newest version that the enum has (april 21) is referenced in the API docs.  When I switched to the newer version and rechecked what values it was expecting for metafieldsm I found out that the older versions still use 'value_type' instead of 'type'. So if anyone is running into the same issue, try switching to a newer version of the API OR switch to using 'value_type' instead of 'type'. Below is an example of the difference:
  const data = {"metafield":{"namespace":"configuration","key":`${arr[0]}`,"value":`${arr[1]}`,"value_type":"string"}};
      const metafield = client.post({
        path: `products/${productId}/variants/${newVariant.body.variant.id}/metafields`,
        data: data,
        type: "application/json"
Above is the correct way to format data for metafields in older versions ^^
 And below is the way that the most recent docs describe it.
  data: {"metafield":{"namespace":"test","key":"testingpost","value":"testingthepost","type":"single_line_text_field"}},
 Hope this possibly helps someone in the future!


View solution in original post

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
11207 226 2317

What tech stack are you using to make the API calls?

★ I jump on these forums in my free time to help and share some insights. Not looking to be hired, and not looking for work. http://freakdesign.com.au ★
2 1 0

This is an accepted solution.

Hi Jason,


I was able to fix the issue with some good old pair programming with a colleague!

Thanks either way for jumping in on the issue.

I am using the nodeJs boilerplate app that one can generate by using the shopify CLI.


For future reference if people may be experiencing the same issue:

- Check what API version the boilerplate app is running on, mine was per default running on a super old version that isn't even referenced in the API docs anymore. You can find this setting in your 'server.js' file when using the NodeJs boilerplate:


  API_KEY: process.env.SHOPIFY_API_KEY,
  SCOPES: process.env.SCOPES.split(","),
  HOST_NAME: process.env.HOST.replace(/https:\/\/|\/$/g, ""),
  API_VERSION: ApiVersion.October20,
  // This should be replaced with your preferred storage strategy
  SESSION_STORAGE: new Shopify.Session.MemorySessionStorage(),
It uses an enum and the newest version that the enum has (april 21) is referenced in the API docs.  When I switched to the newer version and rechecked what values it was expecting for metafieldsm I found out that the older versions still use 'value_type' instead of 'type'. So if anyone is running into the same issue, try switching to a newer version of the API OR switch to using 'value_type' instead of 'type'. Below is an example of the difference:
  const data = {"metafield":{"namespace":"configuration","key":`${arr[0]}`,"value":`${arr[1]}`,"value_type":"string"}};
      const metafield = client.post({
        path: `products/${productId}/variants/${newVariant.body.variant.id}/metafields`,
        data: data,
        type: "application/json"
Above is the correct way to format data for metafields in older versions ^^
 And below is the way that the most recent docs describe it.
  data: {"metafield":{"namespace":"test","key":"testingpost","value":"testingthepost","type":"single_line_text_field"}},
 Hope this possibly helps someone in the future!