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Re: About AppUsageRecordCreate API

About AppUsageRecordCreate API

Shopify Partner
66 0 4

There are stores that take about 40 seconds to respond to appUsageRecordCreate, and the number of past payments seems to increase the response time. Do you have any plans to improve this?

We provide an app that collects fees for orders, but we are concerned that the time it takes to return a response is increasing and that this will become a roadblock in the future.


Also, why do I often get 500 errors?

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
66 0 4

The number of cases where 500 errors are returned for requests is increasing day by day.

Here is the target store ID.



Shopify Partner
66 0 4

Anyone know?

There is no answer to the question from the partner, and there is no solution on the app side.

Shopify Staff
1453 238 531

Hey @ptt-kmatsubara, thanks for getting in touch, my understanding is that this isn't documented behaviour on our end for the appUsageRecordCreate mutation, specifically if the same parameters in the call have worked before/work after you encounter a 500 error. 


Could you provide an X-Request-ID from a response header for one of the 500 error responses you receive from Shopify? Happy to look into this further with you and share more information if possible. Hope to hear from you soon. 

Developer Support @ Shopify
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