A space to discuss GraphQL queries, mutations, troubleshooting, throttling, and best practices.
I'm seeing multiple inconsistencies between the Admin GraphQL API docs and from trying to query the actual API. I'm looking at the latest API version (2024-07) docs and also using that API version when querying. Here's some of the issues I've run into so far:
1. On the LineItems object, there's a field called giftCard described in the docs. But when I try to query this field I get the following error:
"errors": [
"message": "Field 'giftCard' doesn't exist on type 'LineItem'",
"locations": [
"line": 27,
"column": 21
"path": [
"query Orders",
"extensions": {
"code": "undefinedField",
"typeName": "LineItem",
"fieldName": "giftCard"
2. On the LineItems object, there's a field called price described in the docs. But when I try to query this field I get the similar error as above.
3. On the docs for LineItems, there's a "quantity" field but no "currentQuantity" field. In the actual API, I'm able to query both a "quantity" and "currentQuantity". What's the difference between the two fields?
4. On the docs for orders query, there's no mention of a "lineItems" field. But when I introspect the graphQL API, there is a "lineItems" field and I'm able to query it with pagination. In the docs there don't seem to be any way to query the line items belonging to an order.
Why am I not able to query fields that should exist according to the docs, and sometimes I'm able to query fields that don't exist according to the docs? Should I trust the docs or the API?