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Hey Team,
Hoping someone can help me as I can't seem to get the GenericFile endpoint to return a list of ID's for PDF files that I have uploaded to the store.
Is it possible to return a list of file ID's for PDF files uploaded via the admin store?
Further investigation it actually seems to be falling over when it hits a PDF file.
So even returning a MediaImage request for example, it is hitting a PDF in the file list and returning an internal error.
I confirmed this by uploading a PDF, seeing a failed response and then once the pdf file was removed it returned results further then when the PDF file was uploaded.
Hi @GK-Luke 👋
The `GenericFile` implements the `File` interface rather than the `Media` interface, so the `media_type` filter in the files query wouldn't support PDFs. One workaround would be to fragment on the `GenericFile` only, and fetch only these fields similar to the below.
files (first:3, sortKey: CREATED_AT, reverse: true){
nodes {
... on GenericFile {
The response may include "empty" nodes to represent other file types (MediaImage/Video) but should only return the ids and urls for GenericFile types.
"data": {
"files": {
"nodes": [
"id": "gid://shopify/GenericFile/22518982738038",
"url": "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/.../GraphQL_Admin_API_reference.pdf?v=1671817569"
{}, // <--- this is an image
{} // <--- this is an image
Hope that helps!
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