API return 404 (Not Found)-Updates the tracking information for a fulfillment

API return 404 (Not Found)-Updates the tracking information for a fulfillment

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When I call admin api to update the order tracking, there is an exception that returns 404.

In addition, I confirm to use fulfillment_ id to call this interface.


API: Updates the tracking information for a fulfillment


https url: 



http params:

    "fulfillment": {
        "notify_customer": false,
        "tracking_info": {
            "number": "MyTrackingNumber",
            "url": "https://mytrackingdomain/tracking/index?trackingNumber=MyTrackingNumber",
            "company": "Demo-Express"


http response (http status code is 404):

    "errors": "Not Found"
Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Staff
129 15 25

Hi @PaulYang - thanks for reaching out. I was able to confirm that the fulfillment ID you provided appears to be a valid one, so it is odd that it's not returning the expected response (per the documentation that you shared). 

Could you share a Request ID ( also called a Shopify X-Request-ID) that would have be returned in the response headers to your API call? This would allow us to pull more in depth logs on our end so that we can see what may have caused the 404 response. 


Hope to hear from you soon - let us know if we can clarify anything on our end. 


Alan | API Support @ Shopify
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Shopify Partner
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I'm having a similar issue when creating a fulfillment, 404 error.  Line item/order/location ids are verified correct.


Seems to occur only on the 2022-07 api version.  Reverting to 2022-04 fixes it.



here are some request ids so you can see what's happening.  I can get more if you want.

eefcab8d-8914-4639-b78b-2092c3e10d09 c79851e0-0cd1-4900-9343-60bbc4b0f70e




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I am also facing same issue. please help. Here is my request id in response: 
