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Hi all,
I have a question re "balance_used" & "balance_remaining" fields not updating when using recurring application charge (REST API 2021-07) + usage charge (REST API 2021-07)
I am able to create a recurring application charge (POST) and can view it (GET).
FYI, "test": true, and
For my development store, I created multiple usage charge(s) ("price":"50.00") at intervals of a minute or so, and the "balance_remaining" OR "balanced_used" DOES NOT UPDATE, definitely exceeding "capped_amount"!
The odd thing is, coming back to this a few hours later, when again trying replicate the above create usage charges, the "balance_used" & "balanced_remaining" are now updating as expected, and I cannot exceed the "capped_amount" this time.
Finally, when i retrieve a list of usage charges, all the usage charges are there, the totals of all the "price" fields clearly exceeds "capped_amount".
This seems to be a bug, so:
Is this bug only when "test": true? Obviously it would be impossible/expensive to test otherwise.
Was I able to do this because I created multiple usage charges in succession, if so what is a "safe" time interval NOT to? or ...?
If this can occur when "test": null or whatever it is for the REAL situation, will I get paid the total usage charges and do I have to prove it somehow since the "capped_amount" was exceeded?
If it's not a bug, can anyone tell me what is incorrect, and/or what I should check?
Hey @LetterT, would you be able to provide me with an example of an x-request-id header from an API request where this unexpected functionality is present? I would be happy to take a closer look and pass back any insights I can - Cheers.
awwdam | API Support @ Shopify
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Hi @awwdam,
Thanks for your reply, I wondering if anyone from Shopify would take notice...
The recurring application charge id is ("capped_amount": "87.00")
Sorry I didn't log the 'X-Request-ID' for that.
But, for each usage charge ("price": "29.00")
and corresponding ids:
"id": 95448407,
"id": 95448431,
"id": 95448447,
"id": 95448465,
"id": 95448479,
"id": 95448521,
"id": 95448533,
"id": 95448541,
"id": 95448557,
"id": 95448573,
"id": 95448979,
"id": 95449087,
"id": 95449173,
"id": 95449401,
"id": 95449459,
I count 15 usage charges, so that's ($15 * 29) which is way more than $87.
FYI, the "balance_used" stayed at "0" and "balance_remaining" stayed at "87" for both the active recurring application charge, and the subsequent usage charges GET responses throughout my simulated merchant's frenzied buying spreed. 🙂
By the time you read this, however, I'll bet it will have reverted to balance_used=87, balance_remaining=0. But nevertheless, the usage charges still stand right?
Also FYI, my app IS checking prior if the merchant CAN purchase by checking the "balance_used" & "balance_remaining" vs "price". eg in this example, I am charging $29 per purchase and check that against "balance_used", "balance_remaining" BEFORE attempting to incur the usage charge.
Thanks for looking into this!