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I am trying to create/update products on Shopify using the bulk api. I am getting a error response when running bulkOperationRunMutation.
The error is Unexpected file structure - expected JSONL.
I have noticed that when i reduce the amount of variants that i am sending so that the size of a single line is under 5000 characters that it runs without issues. So it would seem like there is a limit of 5000 characters per line for bulk api jsonl payload file.
This is the first time i am seeing this error and i have had lines with more then 5000 line before that ran without issues.
Is this correct is there a line size limit now ?
Same problem here,.. all of a sudden,...
I am seeing the same issue, HOWEVER, my JSONL is registered if the first item is under 5000 characters, regardless of the length of consecutive items.
Oh really? I will simulate here,.. and let you guys know..
Oh! That worked! Thank you so much! I did that kind of trick adding few caracters at first line and resolved! You saved my life! Thank you again! However, its a Shopify Bug that must be resolved!
You bet. I was going crazy trying to figure it out too. My first batch would work, then my second batch would fail. Every time...
Thanks to Mcepo I was able to figure the bug out!