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bulkOperationRunMutation - Internal error. Looks like something went wrong on our end

bulkOperationRunMutation - Internal error. Looks like something went wrong on our end

New Member
7 0 0

I'm trying to upload multiple items for sale in my Shopify store but while running the "bulkOperationRunMutation" API query it giving Error "{"errors":[{"message":"Internal error. Looks like something went wrong on our end.\nRequest ID: 78291656-4f6f-47a5-b7aa-dc587ee7f4a2 (include this in support requests).","extensions":{"code":"INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","requestId":"78291656-4f6f-47a5-b7aa-dc587ee7f4a2"}}]}"


Here is my mutation request

{"query":"mutation{bulkOperationRunMutation(mutation: \"mutation call($input:ProductInput!){productCreate(input:$input){product{id,title} userErrors { message field } } }\", stagedUploadPath:\"tmp/63512346868/bulk/d8590d1e-1125-4e72-b20c-957619c3fb67/Request_5-3.jsonl\"){bulkOperation{id,url,status}userErrors{message,field}}}","variables":{}}


I'm attaching the INPUT .JSONL file. it not allowing the file with extension .JSONL so I've converted it to .csv


Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
1453 238 522

Hi @iHaveit 👋


From the input variable file, it appears that the inputs are not formatted appropriately. Before running the bulk mutation, I'd recommend testing out the `productCreate` mutation with a single `ProductInput` to ensure that the JSONL file is formatted correctly. Below example uses the first product input from your file, and you'll notice that it returns multiple error messages indicating that the inputs are invalid (such as the `id` field)


mutation productCreate($input: ProductInput!) {
  productCreate(input: $input) {
    product {
    userErrors {


with variables

    "input": {
        "descriptionHtml": "New Store Stock",
        "isGiftCard": false,
        "handle": "116891280_PRODUCT",
        "id": "116891280",
        "images": {
            "id": 1,
            "url": "https:\/\/imagesd.blob.core.windows.net\/gardnerimages\/d02e59783277e86b8e6b9c910ee9e266.jpg"
        "productType": "CD",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "title": "SULEIMAN MIM - SI BURE - New CD - A3A",
        "vendor": "WORD AND SOUND MEDIEN GMBH",
        "variants": {
            "availableForSale": true,
            "barcode": "4251648415633",
            "compareAtPrice": null,
            "createdAt": "2023-01-02T10:50:26",
            "id": 1,
            "inventoryItemId": 1,
            "inventoryManagement": "shopify",
            "inventoryPolicy": "continue",
            "inventoryQuantity": 1,
            "position": 1,
            "price": 13.12,
            "productId": "116891280",
            "requiresShipping": true,
            "sku": "116891280",
            "taxable": true,
            "title": "SULEIMAN MIM - SI BURE - New CD - A3A",
            "updatedAt": "2023-01-02T10:50:26"

Hope that helps!


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