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I am working with app and in the app we are importing bulk product with SKU & price for product with graphql API.
We are using below format for jsonl format but facing these issue.
Invalid Bulk Mutation Field - Field 'sku' doesn't exist on type 'Product'
I am using below json format.
{"input":{"title":"Digestive Enzymes, 1 serv. sz","handle":"digestive-enzymes","descriptionHtml":"Supports healthy digestion. Supports a healthy gut and relieves discomfort.","productType":"","images":[{"altText":"imagename","src":"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0693\/3390\/9824\/products\/dummy-product_7cd43223-3d0d-4075-b535-2a335cc3c959.png?v=1673955720"}],"variants":[{"sku":"UDIRYF","price":"150"}]}}
Please let me know where i am doing wrong.
Below is query for bulkOperationRunMutation run
mutation {
mutation: "mutation call($input: ProductInput!) { productCreate(input: $input) { product {title handle descriptionHtml productType vendor sku} userErrors { message field } } }",
stagedUploadPath: "file path") {
bulkOperation {
userErrors {
Hi @vinodk 👋
The SKU field is on the variant level, so you'll need to modify your mutation to query the variant sku rather than the product sku as follows:
"mutation ($input: ProductInput!) { productCreate(input: $input) { product { variants (first:10) { nodes { sku ... } } ..."
Hope that helps!
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