A space to discuss GraphQL queries, mutations, troubleshooting, throttling, and best practices.
mutation {bulkOperationRunMutation(mutation: "mutation call($input: ProductInput!) {productUpdate(input: $input) {product {id {variants(first: 20) {nodes {id sku}}}}}", stagedUploadPath: "tmp/63578079486/bulk/62552451-7eba-4cc1-85df-c947a5559999/1669363450") {bulkOperation {id url status} userErrors {message field}}}
{"data":{"bulkOperationRunMutation":{"bulkOperation":null,"userErrors":[{"message":"Failed to parse the mutation - Unexpected end of document","field":null}]}},"extensions":{"cost":{"requestedQueryCost":10,"actualQueryCost":10,"throttleStatus":{"maximumAvailable":2000.0,"currentlyAvailable":1990,"restoreRate":100.0}}}}
input file:
{"input":{"id":"gid:\/\/shopify\/Product\/7931585659999","privateMetafields":[{"namespace": "product", "key": "matrixify", "valueInput": {"value": "1", "valueType": "STRING"}}]}}
{"input":{"id":"gid:\/\/shopify\/Product\/7931587499999","privateMetafields":[{"namespace": "product", "key": "matrixify", "valueInput": {"value": "1", "valueType": "STRING"}}]}}
{"input":{"id":"gid:\/\/shopify\/Product\/7931588119999","privateMetafields":[{"namespace": "product", "key": "matrixify", "valueInput": {"value": "1", "valueType": "STRING"}}]}}
The same query works on another store
I can verify the file from the "StagedUploadPath" exists. It returns the records I'd previously submitted.
I cannot find this error any place. There are not google references to it.
Thank you
Solved! Go to the solution
This is an accepted solution.
It was the callback query: {product {id {variants(first: 20) {nodes {id sku}}}}}
Should have been {product {id variants(first: 20) {nodes {id sku}}}}
However, the syntax error had absolutely nothing to do with "Failed to parse the mutation - Unexpected end of document". A little better error codes, Shopify.
This is an accepted solution.
It was the callback query: {product {id {variants(first: 20) {nodes {id sku}}}}}
Should have been {product {id variants(first: 20) {nodes {id sku}}}}
However, the syntax error had absolutely nothing to do with "Failed to parse the mutation - Unexpected end of document". A little better error codes, Shopify.