Can't run bulk operation --"Failed to parse the mutation - Unexpected end of document"


Can't run bulk operation --"Failed to parse the mutation - Unexpected end of document"

Shopify Partner
98 14 27


mutation {bulkOperationRunMutation(mutation: "mutation call($input: ProductInput!) {productUpdate(input: $input) {product  {id {variants(first: 20) {nodes {id sku}}}}}",   stagedUploadPath: "tmp/63578079486/bulk/62552451-7eba-4cc1-85df-c947a5559999/1669363450") {bulkOperation {id  url status} userErrors {message field}}}


{"data":{"bulkOperationRunMutation":{"bulkOperation":null,"userErrors":[{"message":"Failed to parse the mutation - Unexpected end of document","field":null}]}},"extensions":{"cost":{"requestedQueryCost":10,"actualQueryCost":10,"throttleStatus":{"maximumAvailable":2000.0,"currentlyAvailable":1990,"restoreRate":100.0}}}}

input file:

{"input":{"id":"gid:\/\/shopify\/Product\/7931585659999","privateMetafields":[{"namespace": "product", "key": "matrixify", "valueInput": {"value": "1", "valueType": "STRING"}}]}}
{"input":{"id":"gid:\/\/shopify\/Product\/7931587499999","privateMetafields":[{"namespace": "product", "key": "matrixify", "valueInput": {"value": "1", "valueType": "STRING"}}]}}
{"input":{"id":"gid:\/\/shopify\/Product\/7931588119999","privateMetafields":[{"namespace": "product", "key": "matrixify", "valueInput": {"value": "1", "valueType": "STRING"}}]}}


The same query works on another store

I can verify the file from the "StagedUploadPath" exists. It returns the records I'd previously submitted.

I cannot find this error any place. There are not google references to it.


Thank you

Accepted Solution (1)

Shopify Partner
98 14 27

This is an accepted solution.

It was the callback query:  {product {id {variants(first: 20) {nodes {id sku}}}}}

Should have been  {product {id variants(first: 20) {nodes {id sku}}}}


However, the syntax error had absolutely nothing to do with "Failed to parse the mutation - Unexpected end of document". A little better error codes, Shopify. 

View solution in original post

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
98 14 27

This is an accepted solution.

It was the callback query:  {product {id {variants(first: 20) {nodes {id sku}}}}}

Should have been  {product {id variants(first: 20) {nodes {id sku}}}}


However, the syntax error had absolutely nothing to do with "Failed to parse the mutation - Unexpected end of document". A little better error codes, Shopify.