Cannot unselect privacy regions after using customerPrivacy API

Cannot unselect privacy regions after using customerPrivacy API

Shopify Partner
2 0 7

We have implemented GraphQL to update customer privacy regions using the following query:

$query = json_encode([ "query" => 'mutation consentPolicyUpdate($consentPolicies: [ConsentPolicyInput!]!) { consentPolicyUpdate(consentPolicies: $consentPolicies) { updatedPolicies { id consentRequired countryCode dataSaleOptOutRequired regionCode shopId } userErrors { field message } } }', "variables" => [ "consentPolicies" => [ [ "countryCode" => "BG", "dataSaleOptOutRequired" => true, "consentRequired" => true, "regionCode" => "BG01" ] ] ] ]);

We are using the "unstable" API version because the endpoint is not present in the 2024-04 and 2024-07 versions.

After using the API, the countries are added to the regions in Customer Privacy as expected. However, the regions cannot be unchecked once added.

I have attached a recording showcasing the issue Recording .

Is there any technical guidance or solution you can provide for this issue?

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